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A member registered Sep 13, 2019

Recent community posts

nice game

31900 in 621 seconds for my first try: I really liked the game :)

I've gotten $25M in debt


Well made game, though I think it was a tad too easy.

Butterfly Clicking go brr

Well I'm not very good, but I got 39 points on my third try. It's the best GMTK game jam 2023 game that I've played so far so good job :D

Love the game, like bullet hell - my dumb brain was confused what 'MAX' was for some reason. Either way still loved it

Nice game, got really into it and then got stuck for a minute trying to find were the site was. Turns out it was underneath the life icon in the top left! Welp i got there in time but the immediately trampled it bc of momentum ig. Still, pretty fun game :)

(2 edits)

Did I do something wrong?
I feel like my time shouldn't be this high.

e z

I forgot that i could switch directions and i solved the 1st 3 levels without even switching :P

A few hours of butterfly clicking

Browser crashed - i guess the wr is at 102205 now



I love the game, simple yet satisfying :)

260 first try - butterfly clicked at 230 onwards.

at size 12 the size of step is 0m but still is going up

That the end boss fight stressed me out, i just wanted to play a platformer game

I may have done the same. :/